10. Assessment of Periodontal Status of Miswak and Toothbrush Users from Karachi. A Comparative Study
Maria Khadija Siddiqui1, Saima Hanif2, Muhammad Najib Sidiki3, Madiha Inayatullah4 and Saqib Ali4
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the periodontal status of miswak and toothbrush users of Karachi.
Study Design: Observational / Descriptive / cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the OPD Department, Jinnah Medical and Dental College Karachi from 02.05.2015 to 30.09.2015.
Materials and Methods: Participants of the study include the students of Madrasah Islamia and patients presenting to OPD of Jinnah Medical and Dental College Karachi for routine dental checkups. We chose purposive sampling for the study. Subjects were selected on the basis of their use of miswak (Group A), use of toothbrush (Group B) and use of Miswak and Toothbrush (Group C). Each subject was examined using CPITN probe to evaluate gingival bleeding, dental calculus and probing pocket depths of the selected surfaces. Selected surfaces were lingual surface of mandibular anterior teeth and buccal surface of maxillary posteri r teeth. Subjects who did not consent to participate in the study were excluded from the study. SPSS version 20 was used f r data analysis.
Results: In group A 40% participants had calculus, 50% had less than 3mm p ckets and 20% had more than 3mm pockets. 30% had no gingival pocketing. In group B (brushing only) 4% subjects had calculus and 96% had less than 3mm pockets. In group C (miswak plus toothbrush) 40% had calculus and less than 3mm pockets and 10% of subjects had more than 3mm pocket depth. 50% had no po kets at all. Gingival Bleeding was demonstrated in all groups with Miswak users being 30% and tooth brush users and tooth brush plus miswak users being 10 % each.
Conclusion: The periodontal status of all 3 groups was found to be satisfactory but examination revealed that the users of toothbrush only (group B) possess healthier per odo tal tissues. Key Words: Periodontal status, Miswak and toothbrush
Citation of article: Siddiqui MK, Hanif S, Sidiki MN, I ayatullah M, Ali S. Assessment of Periodontal Status of Miswak and Toothbrush Users from Ka achi. A C mparative Study. Med Forum 2016;27(4):36-39.