10. Etiology and Clinical Pattern of Patients Presenting With Pancytopenia at Tertiary Care Hospital
Muhammad Iqbal1, Suhail Ahmed Almani1, Nasrullah Aamir2 and Zubair Suhail Almani1
Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the various cause and clinical presentation in patients having
pancytopenia in tertiary care hospital.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross-sectional
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the Medicine Department of LUMHS, Jamshoro from 2013-2015.
Materials and Methods: Total 80 cases of pancytopenia were enrolled in the study. Patients were included above
age of 15 years from both sexes. Pancytopenia was defined as: WBCs (≤4.0×109/L), hemoglobin (≤10.0 g/dl) as well as platelet counts (≤150×109/L). All the clinical features and etiological pattern were noted in all cases and entered in the proforma. All the information was entered on SPSS version 18 and was anal zed.
Results: Total 80 cases were studied, who represented pancytopenia. Male were in majority 61(76.25%). Majority of the young cases was found with mean age of 33.23 years. Most common clinical feature was found general weakness in 19(23.75%) patients followed by fever (18.75%), dyspnea 11(13.75%), bone pain 6(7.5%), anemia 6(7.5%) and pain in legs in 4(5%) patients. According to the etiological pattern aplastic anemia and malaria was found most common in 18 (22.5%) and 11 (13.75%) cases respectively.
Conclusion: Aplastic anemia and malaria was the commonest factor of pancytopenia in this study mostly in young males. The commonest clinical presentation observed was generalized weakness after that fever and dyspnea. Key Words: Pancytopenia, Etiology, Clinical Pattern
Citation of article: Iqbal M, Almani SA, Aamir N, Almani ZA. Etiology and Clinical Pattern of Patients Presenting With Pancytopenia at Tertiary Care Hosp tal. Med Forum 2016;27(9):41-44.