12. Effect of Lidocaine Administration into Endotracheal Tube Balloon on Hemodynamics and Intraocular Pressure during Intraoperative Period
Sabir Khan, Faiza Liaquat and Hassan Jameel
Objective: To investigate the effect of lidocaine instillation into the endotracheal tube balloon during intraoperative period on intraocular pressure (IOP) and hemodynamics.
Study Design: A Randomize Control Trial.
Place and Study Duration: This study was conducted at the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Hameed Latif Hospital, Lahore from 05 May 2016 to 04 April 2017.
Materials and Methods: After obtaining ethical approval from hospital ethical board and informed consent from patients regarding inclusion in clinical trial. Total 100 Patient were enrolled in study through non probability consecutive sampling and divided in two equal groups randomly by using lottery method. Data was collected by using preformed Performa and analyzed with SPSS 23. Quantitative continuous data was presented as mean and standard deviation age and IOP. Qualitative data was presented as numbers and percentages like gender. Student ttest and chi-square test was applied to see significance of variables. P value 0.05 was taken as significant.
Results: Numberof 100 patients were enrolled in this study, both genders. The patients were further divided into two equal group 50% (n=50) in each i.e. control and lidocaine. Mean IOP 2 min before intubation, IOP 2 min after intubation, IOP 5 min after intubation and IOP 10 min after intubationof the control patients was 10.80±3.48 minutes, 13.36±3.50 minutes, 13.04±2.09minutes and 10.30±2.32 minutes respectively. While, The mean IOP 2 min before intubation, IOP 2 min after intubation, IOP 5 min after intubation and IOP 10 min after intubation lidocaine patients was 13.12±2.12 minutes, 17.74±1.92 minutes, 15.44±1.96minutes and 13.54±3.01 minutes respectively. The differences were statistically significant.
Conclusion: The observations of our study revealed that the use of Lidocaine into the endotracheal tube balloon gives better hemodynamic control and intraocular pressure maintenance. And attenuate presser response due intubation.
Key Words: Endotracheal Tube, Lidocaine, Intubation, Intraocular Pressure
Citation of articles: Khan S, Liaquat F, Jameel H. Effect of lidocaine Administration into Endotracheal Tube Balloon on Hemodynamics and Intraocular Pressure during Intraoperative Period. Med Forum 2018;29(3):47-51.