12. Outcome of Femural Neck Fracture Treated by Austin –Moor Hemiarthoplasty in Elderly Patients
1. Saeed Ali Shah 2. Abbas Memon 3. Mehtab Pirwani
1. Asstt. Prof. of Orthopaedic Surgery PUMHS Benazirabad Nawabshah 2, 3. Asstt. Profs. of Orthopaedic, LUH, Hyderabad
Objective: To determine postoperative complications including with ambulation improvement and condition in elderly patients with fracture neck of femur treated by Austin-Moore hemiarthroplasty during 6 months period postoperatively at Peoples medical university Hospital Nawabshah.
Study Design: Descriptive case series study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Peoples Medical University Hospital Nawabshah and Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad from July 2012 to July 2014.
Materials and Methods: Total 100 elderly patients with femoral neck fracture with the age of above 60 years were included in the study. The patients were followed for a period of 6 months postoperatively and all the postoperative complications were documented in the proforma.
Results: This study was contains total of 100 elder patients with femur neck fracture majority of male 72%. Most common 69% age group of the elder patients was 60 – 69, years of the age. Fractures were present 55% on the left sides while 45%. Majority of the cases were found with co morbidies 58%, and according to the post operative complications wound problem was found most common21% along with implant infection 9%, 2nd most common complication was bed sore 11%. On the outcome excellent results were found 32.60%, good results were 42.70%, while fair and poor results were as 16.30% and 8.40% respectively. While 17%, death was recorded during 6 month of postoperative time.
Conclusion: Austen Moor Hemiarthoplasty is the good surgical technique of the management for the fracture of the femur. It is very cost effect treatment along with very small amount of morbidity and mortality. Key Words: Femoral fracture, Austin-Moore hemiarthroplasty.
Citation of article: Shah SA, Memon A, Pirwani M. Outcome of Femural Neck Fracture Treated by Austin – Moor Hemiarthoplasty in Elderly Patients. Med Forum 2015;26(1):45-49.