13. Precipitating Factors of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis
Tahir Ullah1, Muhammad Iqbal Qasim2, Syed Farasat Ali Shah2 and Ishan Ullah3
Objective: The objective of this study was to know the frequency of various precipitating factors in patients with
hepatic encephalopathy secondary to hepatic cirrhosis.
Study Design: Descriptive cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the King Abdullah Teaching Hospital Mansehra for one year from January to December 2019.
Materials and Methods: One hundred and two patients both male and female having age > 16 years with hepatic encephalopathy secondary to liver cirrhosis were included in this study. All the patients with encephalopathy due to causes other than hepatic cirrhosis were excluded from the study. After taking detailed history, physical examination and investigations precipitating factor was identified. All the data was analyzed using SPSS version 19.
Results: One hundred and two patients with hepatic encephalopathy were studied. Mean age of the population was 52.68 + 17.69 years and the male to female ratio of 1.13:1. In most of the patients cause of cirrhosis was hepatitis C (60.78%) and most of the patients presented with hepatic encephalopathy grade III (39.2%) and IV (33.3%). The most common precipitating factor was infection (24.50%) followed by upper gastrointestinal bleeding (20.58%) and combination of factors (15.68%).
Conclusion: Infection is one of the most common precipitating factors of hepatic encephalopathy and hence need timely identification and treatment.
Key Words: Hepaticencephalopathy, precipitating factors, liver cirrhosis, West haven criteria, ammonia, portosystemic shunting.
Citation of article: Tahir Ullah, Qasim MI, Shah SFA, Ishan Ullah. Precipitating Factors of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis. Med Forum 2020;31(4):54-57.