14. Evaluation of Serum Lipid Profile in Patients of Coronary Artery Disease
Muhammad Shoaib1, RanaTauqir Ullah Khan2 and Fouzia Qadir3 |
Objective: The objective of this study to evaluate Serum Lipid Profile in Patients of Coronary Artery Disease in Mirpur, AJK.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Biochemistry and Community Medicine, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Medical College, Mirpur, and AJK from January 2019 to July 2019.
Materials and Methods: In this study we select 70 diabetic patients and 30 controls from AJK and Peshawar. We collected blood samples from both groups test and control. We analyzed blood sample for Glucose, High density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein IDL, Triglyceride and Total cholesterol. We analyzed the sample of both groups’ diabetic patients and control by Micro lab 300. We use Merck kit for analysis the sample.
Results: We observed in our study that glucose level in serum is high in Coronary Artery Disease patients as compare to Control. We found that fasting glucose mg/dl level is (96.8 ± 4.2) in Coronary Artery Disease patients while in Control fasting glucose level mg/dl is (98.4 ± 4.9). Lipid profile is also high in Coronary Artery Disease patients as compare to Control. Total cholesterol level in Coronary Artery Disease patients is higher compare to Control. Total cholesterol in Coronary Artery Disease patients is (255.5 ± 12.8) mg/dl and in Control is (193.6 ± 30.5) mg/dl. LDL value Coronary Artery Disease patients is (129.8 ± 22.5) mg/dl and in Control is (116.5± 18.5) mg/dl. HDL value in Coronary Artery Disease patients (56.7± 8.5) mg/dl and in Control is () mg/dl. Total glyceride value inCoronary Artery Disease patients is (189.2 ± 32.5) mg/dl and in Control is (143.3 ± 31.2) mg/dl
Conclusion: We found and conclude that high lipid profile found in in coronary heart disease patients as compare to control. Reduction of lipid profile is reduction of CHD risk.
Key Words: Coronary Artery Disease, Lipid profile, Control
Citation of article: Shoaib M, Khan RT, Qadir F. Evaluation of Serum Lipid Profile in Patients of Coronary Artery Disease. Med Forum 2020;31(4):58-60.