17. Presentation of Snake Bite and Treatment Outcome in Medical Unit-III at PMCH Nawabshah
Jeando Khan Daidano1, Noor Ali Samo1, Akbar Yousfani2, Rafique Ahmed Memon1 and Saeed Khan1
Objective: Snakebite is a major public health problem in Pakistan; our objective is to determine the presentation of snakebite and treatment outcome.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Medical Unit III, PUMHS Nawabshah from Jan 2016 to Dec 2016.
Materials and Methods: 112 patients were selected for this study; both male and female were selected for this study. Patients were selected after clotting time.
Results: Total patients were 112 in which 85 males, 27 females, on identification of snakes by patients and their relatives’ they reported 94(viper) 7(cobra) 11(unidentified), site of bite was on legs and feet 103 and hands 9. Clotting time was prolonged in all 112 patients. ASV was injected to 112 atients. Out of 112 patients 111 survived after ASV and one patient died.
Conclusion: Snakebite is a major public health problem in Pakistan especially rural areas. Highest number of bites
were caused by viper, majority of snake bites occurred at night and early in the m rning, lower limb was commonly
involved in snake bite, early arrival of patient in teaching hospital and treatment with ASV life can be saved.
Education of the public is necessary about snakebite treatment. Preventive measures including wearing of long
shoes, use of torch and lantern are necessary.
Key Words: Snake bite, Viper, Cobra, ASV
Citation of articles: Daidano JK, Samo NA, Yousfa A, Memon RA, Khan S. Presentation of Snake Bite and Treatment Outcome in Medical Unit-III at PMCH Nawabshah. Med Forum 2017;28(7):70-74.