17. Prevalence of Risk Factors of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Rawalpindi
Aisha Aslam1, Syed Saif Ur Rehman3, Jahanzeb Maqsood2, Adnan Ghafoor4, Samina5 and M. Faisal Bacha2
Objective: To determine the prevalence of risk factors for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in a tertiary care hospital of Rawalpindi.
Study Design: Observational cross section study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Fauji Foundation hospital. Total duration of the study was one year starting from January, 2022 to December, 2022.
Materials and Methods: After approval of the ethical committee and informed consent, 140 patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) presenting to the Gynaecology department of tertiary care hospital were included in our study. 280 females with normal pregnancies were also enrolled in the study and were labeled as control. Demographic and medical records of the groups were entered in specially designed proforma. Paired sample T-test was employed to determine the correlation and P- value of Significance between the two groups.
Results: Total of 1800 deliveries were done in one year in our tertiary care hospital. Out of these, 140(7.7%) were diagnosed as cases of HDP. The prevalence of HDP was found to be 7.7%. Out of 140, sixty-nine %) were less than 25 years of age, 25%) were between 25 to 35 years of age, and 46%) were more than 35 years of age in contrast to 176%), 44%) and 60%) of control group respectively. 45(32.1%) patients were having BMI of less than 17, 16(11.4%)%) were having BMI of17-25 and 79(56.5%) were having BMI of more than 25. 43(32.1%) were Nulliparous,55 (39.2%) were multi para,42 (30.1%) were grandmultipara as compared to 106( 37.8%),104 (37.1%), and 70 (25.1%) of control group respectively. 61(43.5%)females attended antenatal care and 79(56.5%)were unbooked as compared to 162(57.5%) and 118(42.5%)of the control group. 63( 45%)of the patients presented before 37 weeks,47(33.5%) in 37 to 40 weeks and 30(22%) after 40 weeks of gestation as compared to 119(42.5%),141(50.3%) and 20(7.2%)of the control group. 49(35%)females were suffering from chronic hypertension as compared to 20(7.1%) of the control group. 81(57.8%) were found to have a family history of hypertension and eclampsia in contrast to 20(7.1%) in the control group. 39 were having diabetes in contrast to seven in the control group. 18(12.8%)were diagnosed cases of Connective tissue disorder in contrast to only 4(1.5%) in the control group.
Conclusion: Frequency of Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy is high in our population. Antenatal care, comorbidity of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and connective tissue disorder, and family history of hypertension increase the prevalence of Hypertensive disorder of Pregnancy.
Key Words: Connective tissue disorder, diabetes Mellitus, Hypertensive disorder of Pregnancy, Prevalence, Risk factors
Citation of article: Aslam A, Saif Ur Rehman S, Maqsood J, Ghafoor A, Samina, Bacha MF. Prevalence of Risk Factors of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Rawalpindi. Med Forum 2023;34(2):76-79.