22. Subjects Index January to December 2013
Azhar Masud Bhatti
Editor in Chief
Vol. 24, No. 1, January, 2013
Morphological Changes after Chronic Heat Exposure on Zona Fasiculata of Adrenal Gland of Albino Rats
(Sarwat S, et al) 2
Morphological Study of Native Foramina Transversaria in the Cervical Spine (Maqbool A, et al) 33 BIO CHEMISTRY
Effect of Concept Maps on Knowledge Retention in
Dental Students (Khan I, et al) 7 SURGERY
Procedure for Prolapsed Haemorrhoids versus Excisional Haemorrhoidectomy - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Shahid ZA, et al) 12 Acute Abdomen, Causes and Outcome - Experience at
DHQ Hospital Abbottabad (Saeed A, et al) 38
Determinants of Upper Limb Amputations in a Tertiary Care Center, Pakistan (Soomro N, et al) 60 MEDICINE
Incidence of Thyroid IMA Artery in our Population
(Ullah S, et al) 17
Vitamin D Levels in OPD Patients in Teaching
Hospital, Sukkur (Soomro AA, et al) 26
Experience of Acute Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in
Indoor and Outdoor Patients (Ansari IA, et al) 29
Effects of Combined Interferon Alpha and Ribavirin Therapy on Thyroid Functions in Patients
with Chronic Hepatitis C, Attending Hepatitis Centre
Ghulam Mohammad Medical College Hospital, Sukkur
(Phulpoto JA, et al) 44
Frequency, Risk Factors and Complications in Pregnancies Associated with Placenta Praevia (Hafeez
R, et al) 21
Histopathological spectrum of Gastric biopsies in a tertiary care hospital (Hasan SM, et al) 41 Histopathological Study of 209 Cases of Early
Abortions (Hashim Y, et al) 55
Evaluation of Post Operative Pain in Single and Multi
Visit Endodontic Therapy with Rotary Instruments
(Shaikh AG, et al) 49
Determination of Number of Apical Foramina in Mesial Root of Mandibular First Molar - Ex Vivo (Dall AQ,
Effects L-Arginine on the Gastric Mucosal Cell count when given with Ibuprofen in Albino Rats under light
Microscope (Kumar S, et al) 64 Vol. 24, No. 2, February, 2013
Diabetes Mellitus and Limb loss: An analysis from a Tertiary Care Center (Soomro N, et al) 2
Immunohistoichemical Determination of Effects of
Withania Somnifera Root Extract on Noise Stress Induced Adenohypophysis in Albino Rats (Naqvi,
et al) 6
Frequency of Demyelinating Pattern on
Electrophysiological Study in Patients with Diabetic Peripheral Polyneuropathy (Iqbal J, et al) 10
Histopathological findings of abdominal hysterectomies in patients presenting with heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) (Jaffar Y, et al) 14 Adolescent Menorrhagia: Causes and Evaluation
(Bokhari NA, et al) 22
Role of Foleys Catheter for Pre-Induction Ripening of
Cervix (Bhatti K, et al) 39
Histomorphological Features of Placentae in
Pregnancies Complicated with Intrauterine Growth Restriction (Rehman MZ, et al) 42
A Randomized Clinical Trial of 200 Patients of Oral Vs Vaginal Misoprostol in Second Trimester Pregnancy
Termination (Usmani I, et al) 55 MEDICINE
Outcome with and without Aspiration of the Amoebic Liver Abscess at Civil Hospital, Karachi (Alam MT, et al) 17
Occupational Exposure to Blood and Body Fluids amongst Health Care Workers in a Teaching Hospital of the Sukkur, Sindh (Phulpoto JA, et al) 26
The IT IT Study (The Incubation Time in Tetanus
Study) (Khan BA, et al) 52
Studies on Effectiveness of DOTs and weekly three times Treatment of Sputum Positive Tuberculosis
Patients (Bhurgri GR, et al) 30 ANTHROPOLOGY
Role of Traditional Birth-practices causing Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Faisalabad. An Anthropological Approach of Household Decision
Making (Ahmed A, et al) 35