5. Frequency of Abnormal Parathyroid Hormone in Patients of Renal Failure Planned to Undergo Hemodialysis
Abdul Kareem Zarkoon, Habib Ullah Rind, Fazal Muhammad, Syed Mohkamuddin, Nadia Ifthekhar and Hamid Ali
Objective: To define the frequency distribution of abnormal parathyroid hormone in patients of renal failure planned to undergo hemodialysis, at a tertiary care center at Karachi
Study Design: Single center, cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Nephrology, Balochistan Institute of Nephro-Urology Quetta from April 2018 to March 2019.
Materials and Methods: There were 90 patients with diagnosis of CRF planned to undergo hemodialysis included. Before dialysis blood sample was obtained and sent to the laboratory of the hospital for assessment of PTH level. Then patients underwent haemodialysis. Dialysis was done as per hospital protocol. All the data was collected using the proforma.
Results: Patients` mean age was computed to be 53.79±6.51 years. Frequency of abnormal parathyroid was observed in 71.11% (64/90), in which hypoparathyroidism was 44.44% (40/90) and 26.67% (24/90) had hyperparathyroidism.
Conclusion: We found high frequency of abnormal parathyroid hormone in patients of renal failure planned to undergo hemodialysis. Derangement of Parathyroid hormone is progressive and it prevalence is found in the patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and with serious outcomes for the health of patients. If it is poorly overcome, this imbalance can result in the bone disease, calcification of soft tissue and vascular calcification, all of these are found to be influential on mortality and morbidity.
Key Words: Chronic Kidney Disease, Hemodialysis, Hypoparathyroidism, Hyperparathyroidism.
Citation of article: Zarkoon AK, Rind HU, Muhammad F, Mohkamuddin S, Ifthekhar N, Ali H. Frequency of Abnormal Parathyroid Hormone in Patients of Renal Failure Planned to Undergo Hemodialysis. Med Forum 2020;31(7):20-24.