6. Microalbuminuria in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Association with Age, Sex, and Body Mass Index: A Cross Sectional Study
1. Javed Akhtar Rathore 2. Rizwan Abid 3. Mohammad Saleem
1. Assoc. Prof. of Medicine, AJK Medical College Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir.2.Consultant Cardiologist, Abass Institute of Medical Science Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir 3.Consultant Physician DHQ Hospital Kotli Azad Kashmir.
Objective: This study was aimed to determine the association of microalbuminuria with age gender, body mass index (BMI) and duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Study Design: Prospective Cross sectional.
Place and Duration of study: This study was carried out at District Head Quarter Hospital Mirpur Azad Kashmir from July 2011and June 2012.
Materials and Methods: This study included 300 patients (199 females and 101 females) with T2DM of duration of six months to 43 years. The evaluation included structured questionnaires clinical, neurological examinations and laboratory tests. Negative for albumin in urine by albustic method and micral tests were used for estimation and categorization of microalbuminuria.
Results: Chi square test revealed statistical significant association of microalbuminuria with age (<0.015) blood sugars random (p <0.015) but no statistical significant association with gender, weight, and old & new diabetics. One sample t test had shown statistical significant association of degree of microalbuminuria with BMI (p<0.001), cholesterol (p<0.001) and numbers of years of diabetes (p<0.050)
Conclusion: In type 2 diabetic statistical significant associations has shown between degree of microalbuminuria, age, blood sugars, cholesterol, body mass index and duration of diabetes mellitus
Key Words: Microalbuminuria, T2diabetes, cholesterol, random blood sugars, body mass index
Citation of article: Rathore JK, Abid R, Saleem M. Microalbuminuria in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Association with Age, Sex, and Body Mass Index: A Cross Sectional Study. Med Forum 2015;26(1):21-23.